Monday, September 26, 2016

Personal Narrative #1

Buddy Halloween Mural!

Check out our Cooksey/Keutzer Halloween mural - boo!

Shout out to Katie Beth for completing her 3rd Grade ALEKS and is now working on her 4th Grade ALEKS - sweet!  Also, shout out to my buddy, the Lovely Mrs. Cooksey, for making me an apple pie yesterday - good thing I was in the pool at Gold's Gym at 5:00 AM!

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Room 24 Has Visitors Today!

Some hairy friends invaded Room 24 - they sure are cute!  I hope they are good listeners!  

Friday, September 2, 2016

Puzzle News

Pics By Mira!

We did our reading outside because it was such a beautiful day.  We learned about envisioning (Making a mental movie in our mind as we read fiction), however, sometimes, we need to stop making that movie and collect facts or information about the book.  This is what we did today with the paper on our clip board.