Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Smoking Stinks Cause Group!

Great poster by Carson, Claire, Kerim, Miranda, & Sydney (Poor Sydney has been out, so we used her research on smoking.)!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Homelessness Cause Group

Shane, Kyle, Helen, Rebecca, & Mira finished their Cause Group project.  Excellent job!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Kindness Scenes with Legos!

Carson, Aiden, & Kerim - man bought food for a homeless person.

Patrick, Shane, & Kyle - kid fell off skateboard and man helped him get off the ground.

Austin wanted to create his own scene - cat stuck up in tree on top of tower and he went up to save the cat.

Tea, Sydney, & Ellie - 2 girls walked by a boy with a limb difference and helped the boy pick up items that fell out of his crate.   Their 2nd scene - man walks home from work, sees a stray cat, & feeds the cat.

Cora, Rebecca, & Helen - 2 elderly men trying to get their cats out of a tree with a broom and a stick.  2 younger boys see this and with the food they just bought, they use it to help the cats crawl down to safety.  

Mira, Claire, & Minea - elderly man with a back problem drops a piece of trash. A police officer sees the trash and picks it up for the man.

Eric & Miranda - guy helping cat get down from being stuck in a tree.

Lilly,  Katie Beth, & Makayla - woman dropped cup at airport and a man picked it up for her.

LOVE these random acts of kindness! ! ! 

Spreading Kindness with Legos

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I Learned This at Teacher School Yesterday!

At our Professional Development meeting yesterday, I learned some student engagement activities.  We tried one in class today and it was great.  All the kids were engaged - yeah!  Ask your child what number they chose and why.

More Cause Group Research!

I met with 2 groups today - both have the cause of saving polar bears.  They have great research on reasons why polar bears are being threatened, however, they now need to research how to save and help polar bears.  Very impressed after meeting with both of my polar bear groups.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017