Thursday, August 24, 2017

Weekly Report & Reading Calendar

Weekly Report coming home today.  See pic below.  I went over the report with each friend individually and then had him/her put in Please Return side of the green folder.  Your child's reading level is on the form.  Some friends who went to Reading Intervention last year will be re-assessed soon, so reading level may change.  New students to Concord will also be assessed.  

Paper clipped to the weekly report is September reading calendar.  The goal is read 5 nights a week - my friends can pick the nights - for 15 minutes. If your child reads longer then 15 minutes - super duper!   My friends told me about a safe place to keep their reading calendar.  They only need to write how many minutes they read - easy!  At the end of the month, please send calendar back to school - thanks!  ( Calendar pic is October because all September calendars are in folders.)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you say "my friends". Such a beautiful way to think about them and they you.
